The following factsheets have been translated to Arabic, Chinese Traditional, Chinese Simplified, Greek, Punjabi and Vietnamese. The translations were done by Worldwide Interpreting & Translation.
- Professional dental cleaning
- Sugary drinks
- Snacking
- Oral cancer
- Gum disease
- Importance of a medical history
- First dental visits for children
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Arabic factsheets
- نظيف األسنان االختصاصي (Professional dental cleaning)
- المشروبات السكرية (Sugary drinks)
- أطعمة ومشروبات لألطفال (Snacking)
- سرطان الفم (Oral cancer)
- أمراض اللثة (Gum disease)
- أهمية التاريخ الطبي (Importance of a medical history)
- الزيارة األوىل لطبيب األسنان (First dental visits for children)
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Chinese Traditional factsheets
- 專業⽛⿒清潔 (Professional dental cleaning)
- 含糖飲料 (Sugary drinks)
- 兒童⻝品及飲料 (Snacking)
- ⼝腔癌 (Oral cancer)
- ⽛齦疾病 (Gum disease)
- 病歷的重要性 (Importance of a medical history)
- ⽛科初診 (First dental visits for children)
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Chinese Simplified factsheets
- 专业牙齿清洁 (Professional dental cleaning)
- 含糖饮料 (Sugary drinks)
- 儿童食品与饮料 (Snacking)
- 口腔癌 (Oral cancer)
- 牙龈疾病 (Gum disease)
- 病历的重要性 (Importance of a medical history)
- 牙科初诊 (First dental visits for children)
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Greek factsheets
- Επαγγελματικός καθαρισμός δοντιών (Professional dental cleaning)
- Ζαχαρούχα ποτά (Sugary drinks)
- Τροφές και ποτά για παιδιά (Snacking)
- Καρκίνος του στόματος (Oral cancer)
- Ασθένεια των ούλων (Gum disease)
- Η σημασία του ιατρικού ιστορικού (Importance of a medical history)
- Πρώτες επισκέψεις στον οδοντογιατρό (First dental visits for children)
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Punjabi factsheets
- ਪੇਸ਼ੇਵਰ ਦੰਦਾਂ ਦੀ ਸਫਾਈ (Professional dental cleaning)
- ਮਿੱਠੇ ਪੀਣ ਵਾਲੇ ਪਦਾਰਥ (Sugary drinks)
- ਬੱਚਿਆਂ ਲਈ ਭੋਜਨ ਅਤੇਪੀਣ ਵਾਲੇ ਪਦਾਰਥ (Snacking)
- ਮੂੰਹ ਦਾ ਕੈਂਸਰ (Oral cancer)
- ਮਸੂੜਿਆਂ ਦੀ ਬਿਮਾਰੀ (Gum disease)
- ਸਿਹਤ ਸੰਬੰਧੀ (ਮੈਡੀਕਲ) ਇਤਿਹਾਸ ਦੀ ਮਹੱਤਤਾ (Importance of a medical history)
- ਦੰਦਾਂ ਦੀ ਜਾਂਚਜਾਂ ਲਈ ਪਹਿਲੀ ਦੌਰਾ (First dental visits for children)
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Vietnamese factsheets
- Vệ sinh răng miệng chuyên nghiệp (Professional dental cleaning)
- Đồ uống có đường (Sugary drinks)
- Đồ ăn và đồ uống cho trẻ em (Snacking)
- Ung thư miệng (Oral cancer)
- Bệnh về nướu (Gum disease)
- Tầm quan trọng của tiền sử bệnh lý (Importance of a medical history)
- Các cuộc hẹn đầu tiên với nha sĩ (First dental visits for children)
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